hive修改字段类型后查不了表,hive修改字段数据类型 (解决方法与步骤)


2023-09-21 11:25 120

There could be several reasons why you are facing difficulties in retrieving the modification time for a field in Hive. Here are a few possible causes and solutions:

1. Incorrect syntax: Ensure that you are using the correct syntax to retrieve the modification time. In Hive, you can use the function `from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(string, pattern))` to convert the Unix timestamp to a readable format. For example:

SELECT from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(your_field_name, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) AS modified_time FROM your_table_name;

Make sure to replace `your_field_name` with the actual name of the field you want to retrieve the modification time for, and `your_table_name` with the name of the table.

2. Missing partition information: If you are working with partitioned tables, make sure to include the partition columns in the query. For example:

SELECT from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(your_field_name, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) AS modified_time FROM your_table_name PARTITION(partition_column=value);

Replace `partition_column` and `value` with the actual partition column and value.

3. Incorrect data format: If the data in the field is not in the expected format ('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'), the conversion may fail. Double-check the data format in your field and adjust the pattern accordingly in the query.

If none of the above solutions work, please provide more specific information about the error message or the structure of your table.
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