群晖drive崩溃 (解决方法与步骤)


2023-10-02 08:35 30

I'm sorry to hear that your Synology Drive has crashed. Here are a few steps you can try to troubleshoot the issue and potentially fix the problem:


1. Restart your Synology Drive: Sometimes a simple reboot can resolve the issue. Power off your Synology Drive, wait for a few seconds, and then power it back on.

2. Check the network connection: Ensure that your Synology Drive is connected to the network properly. Check the cables and make sure they are tightly connected. If you are using a wireless connection, try restarting your Wi-Fi router.

3. Check the drive status indicator: Most Synology Drive models have LEDs that indicate the status of the device. Make sure the indicator lights are normal and not flashing or displaying any error codes. Refer to the user manual for details on what the different light patterns mean.

4. Perform a file system check: If the drive crashes during file operations, it may have experienced file system corruption. You can use the DiskStation Manager (DSM) web interface to perform a file system check. Go to "Main Menu" > "Storage Manager" > "Volume" and select the volume that contains your data. Then, click on "Action" > "Check Filesystem" to start the process.

5. Reinstall Synology Drive: If the issue persists, you may need to reinstall the Synology Drive software on your device. Download the latest version from the Synology website, and follow the installation instructions provided.

6. Contact Synology support: If none of the above steps resolves the issue, it's recommended to contact Synology technical support for further assistance. They can provide specific troubleshooting steps based on your device model and configuration.

Remember to regularly backup your important data to avoid any data loss during troubleshooting.

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如果你在群晖上删除了一个文件夹,但现在想要找回它,你可以尝试以下方法: 1. 在文件浏览器中检查回收站:进入群晖的文件浏览器,查看"回收站"目录,可能你的文件夹被移动到了回收站中。


举例 1. 用户意外删除了群晖日志中心的日志文件。 2. 当前的硬盘空间已满,导致无法保存新的日志文件。 3. 群晖日志中心的配置文件被错误地修改或损坏。 4. 系统升级或固件更新导致群晖日志中心无法


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